Armchair Traveler Spinning Club Subscription
This subscription is RESERVED for those 60 people chosen by RNG on Ravelry.
The Armchair Traveler Spinning Club runs for 3 months - from the end of January to March, 2021. Each month you will receive either a roly-poly batt (3.7 oz), a sticklebatt (3.8 oz), or a braid (5.2 oz Organic Polwarth/tussah). By the end of the three months, each subscriber will have received one of each of all three of these types of fiber ( 3 total).
The theme for each month's colorways will be an exciting travel destination! But no need to renew your passport! Prepare to travel abroad and explore the sights from the comfort of your own home!
The cost of the subscription is $35 + shipping per month. Billing is through paypal, and you will be automatically billed month by month. If at any time, you would like to cancel your subscription, you may certainly do so. To sign up, please choose the link appropriate to your place of residence:
Armchair Traveler Spinning Club - Domestic
Armchair Traveler Spinning Club - Canada
Armchair Traveler Spinning Club - International
We will be working out plans and expect to ship the first installment by the end of January/Beginning of February.
It would help us out if you could drop us a note in ravelry confirming your ravelry name and real name (especially if you are new to Inglenook) - so we can match up ravelry names with mailing label names :-D